Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yard Sale Buddies - A Rare and Precious Breed, Indeed!

People often say, "I want to go yard saling with you." They go one time, and they never seem to ask again. This used to hurt my feelings until I realized why this was happening. I'm a DIE HARD yard saler. I don't mess around. I get up EARLY. I'm on a mission ... Yes, I have fun, but I don't want to stop at Starbucks or chat with your long lost buddy from high school for twenty minutes.
I have a very, very good friend that is my best yard saling buddy. Her name is Cheryl (pictured at the right, above) and we've been yard saling together more than twenty times over the past year. She and I hold the same basic saling philosophies.
So, what makes a good yard sale buddy?
1. They get up early like you do. -- And they don't whine about it!
2. They take turns driving and/or split gas money with you.
3. Like you, they understand the importance of time management. Find it, browse it, buy it, and get on with it.
4. They know how to make big huge things fit into tiny little cars. Cheryl and I once managed to get two sets of bifold closet doors into her little car after a long day of saling and a bunch of merchandise already in there. On another occasion, we brought home a buffet in my Taurus! Oh yeah, Baby!
5. They don't want to the buy the same kind of goodies you want to buy. If you both want the same things, things will be weird. Cheryl and I look for totally different things, and we have fun finding things for each other.
6. They know when to call it a day.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I apologize for the obvious absence of saling posts. I have purchased some items, but I've failed to take photos. I promise to do better.
Do you have a yard sale inspired blog? Leave me the link!