Saturday, May 2, 2009

May Invitation for HappyScrappers Members and RSVP List

You are Invited to the May Meeting of HappyScrappers!

When: Saturday, May 16th, 2009
Time: 10:00 a.m. until ????
Theme: Pretty, Pretty Princess (Feel free to wear a tiara or bring your wand. :)
Main Dish: Sloppy Joes

What to Bring: Something to share for lunch and your supplies. You DO NOT need to bring a door prize. We will be playing games, but I have the prizes.

If you'd like to demo a project, contribute to the goodie bags, demonstrate a technique, or run a game, please let me know. A big thank you to Bethany and Jessica for their contributions to last month's goodie bags. Thank you, Carolyn, for bringing the gorgeous flowers for the center of the table. Also, a big thank you to EVERYONE that came last month and helped make the surprise shower for Bethany a sweet success. Shannon did a fantastic job of "distracting" Bethany while Carolyn, Jessica, Peggy, and myself prepared the dining room. It was a great day, and I look forward to our next time together.

PLEASE RSVP by this Saturday, May 9th.
You can RSVP by responding to this email or calling me.
Even if you are not able to come, please let me know ASAP.

Thanks and God Bless!

RSVP List (Last Updated on 5/2/09)
YES: Carolyn, Myself, Jessica, Shannon, Joyce, Dawn (arriving at 12:00), Bethany (for a couple of hours), Peggy
NO: Michele, Carla (unless it rains, then she is a "yes"), Mary M*, Veronica, OtherBecky, AmyD*.

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