Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Diva Has Landed

So, here I am.

Officially gone from the creepy pages of MySpace, I've decided to relocate my blog to something a little more, shall I dare say, mature. *snicker*

I'm hoping that with the move to blogger.com I'll be more inspired to actually blog and keep everyone informed of what is going on in my life, my family, my thoughts, my prayers, my hopes, and my endevours. I'll probably also post quite a bit about my never ending quest to lose weight. Also expect to read a smattering of blogs about my scrapbooking, cardmaking, Strawberry Shortcake collection, and Saturday morning garage sale adventures.

So, I raise a toast of Diet Coke to my new found corner of cyberspace here at blogger.com

......here, here

1 comment:

pumpkinpatch said...

Hey Sweetie! Love your new blog!!! Also love "The Diva Has Landed". You are so witty! Well, I leave you now to put the munchkins to bed.