The following are all cards that were completed at the September HappyScrappers meeting. Anyone reading my blog is welcome to vote for your favorite card by simply posting a comment with your vote. The winning card will receive a prize during our October meeting (and bragging rights of course!)"So Kind"

"Celebrate the Little One"

"Home Again"

"Give Thanks Pumpkin"

"Happy Birthday Flowers"

"Happy Birthday with Lambie from Frannie"
I vote for the pumpkin!
I vote for the pumpkin too! Go figure?
Pick just ONE?! Happy birthday flowers is amazing, but the So Kind just draws me in. And the pumpkin one is amazing. Really, they are all perfect for all the occassions. You are so talented!!!
My Friend Kathy emailed me to vote for the "So Kind" card. Thanks, Kathy!
Oh no, this is so hard! Each one has some eye-catching quality. I have to give my vote to "So Kind". I love the colors, and the stark contrast of the almost negative color effect of the flowers.
"So Kind" by far. Beck, I was here and this is proof.
I vote for So Kind. My next favorite is Celebrate Baby. The colors just catch me eye.
I recieved a vote, via email, for Happy Birthday with the flowers.
I received another email vote - for the Pumpkin card!
I vote for the "So Kind" favorite color combinations with that one.
My friend Sara would like to cast her vote for the pumpkin card. So, the pumpkin card has 4 votes, SO KIND has five votes, and Happy Birthday with flowers has one vote. (I didn't count Toni's vote yet because I wasn't sure which one she liked the best - let me know, TOni).
Keep the votes coming, please!
Pumpkin for #1- but the duckie one and thank you one are close seconds.. hmmm
Home Again is my favorite. So Kind and the pumpkin are second and third lol
It's a tie - The pumpkin and the So Kind cards are both winners!
Yeah for the Pumpkin!!! Now, who would like to make some of those for me to buy from them? I LOVE THEM! Pumpkin fanatic speaking here.
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