Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dinners For the Frugal

Yes, I am frugal and PROUD OF IT, baby!

When my friends find out how little I spend at the grocery store they always ask me, "How do you do it?" It's easy, really. I have several meals in my stash that we eat on a rotating basis that cost less than $1 per serving.

1) Grilled Cheese and Veggie Soup
2) Chili and Cornbread
3) Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes (my meatloaf has just four ingredients)
4) Breakfast for Dinner (i.e. scrambled eggs, toast, and fried potatoes)
5) Spaghetti
6) Pot Pie and Country Rolls
7) Potato Soup
8) Chef Salad
9) Ham and Cheesy Potatoes Casserole
10) Hot Dogs and Baked Beans
11) Tacos (always buy a kit with a doubled coupon)
12) Hot Turkey Sandwiches
13) Chipped Beef Gravy over Toast
....... and it goes on ......
I also use coupons on items that are also on sale. For example, this week, butter was on sale 10/$10 and I had a coupon for 50 cents off. When the store doubled my coupon, I got the butter for free. I can't remember the last time I paid for catsup, mustard, butter, Rice-A-Roni, or cookie mix. I get all of those things free using doubled coupons.
I spend very little money on snack food. Snack food makes your grocery bill big and your patootie even bigger. I do buy microwave popcorn, raisins, and "Ritz like" crackers at Dollar General.
Are you interested in more posts about frugal living? If so, let me know and I'll post some more about reducing waste, lowering your electric bill, and so on.


Metelko Family said...

Yes!!!! Bring on the frugality. I'm trying to cut my budget so I can spend money on "fun" things!

Metelko Family said...

Oh I forgot ~ may I have the recipe for the ham and cheesy potato casserole??????

Erika H. said...

We are so much alike...I love seeing how little I can spend...esp. at the grocery store. Love to hear more about your frugality!