Friday, July 4, 2008

It's Pouring....

It's so cliche, but true.... when it rains, it pours! In addition to Brian's grandmother's illness, my brother is in ICU again due to diabetes complications. His sugar dropped below 20. He's on a respirator. To top it all off, I spent the night in the emergency room. To make a very long story short, I have a severe (and VERY painful) infection in my abdomen. I'm on really strong antibiotics and pain medication. If the antibiotics don't work within seven days, I'm going to have surgery. I have tried to sleep all day today, but the phone has been ringing off the hook. I thought about turning it off, but I don't want people to worry about me.... especially my poor parents, who got the phone call that I was at the hospital while they were 6 hours away with my brother in the ICU of a different hospital. About the only thing I can do that isn't painful is sit and/or sleep. It hurts to lay down, so I've been sitting up and sleeping. I don't want a big pity party or anything -- I just wanted to update everyone.


Veronica Z said...

Oh my goodness Rebecha that is awful! I am so sorry you are in so much pain. I have never heard of a diagnosis being "infection of the abdomen". Are they sure the meds will take care of it? I'm just worried about you. Just try and take it easy and if you feel like it is getting worse please please don't wait to go back to the hospital before 7 days. Hugs sweetie, and prayers still going out to you.

Rebecha said...

I'm going to the doctor on Monday. It's actually a piece of tissue, located in my abdomen, that is infected. It's hard to explain. The only thing I can clearly explain is that IT HURTS!

Becky said...

Aunt Kristi told me you were in the hospital yesterday-we've been worried about you ever since. I'm glad you are home and I hope the antibiotics work. Take it easy!!

Rebecha said...

Thanks, Becky. I'm taking it easy - I slept most of the day. The pain meds really knock me out!