Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Summer is winding down and the school year is just around the corner. I'm not sure where my summer went. I'm sorry that we haven't met in a couple of months. I have been under the weather (with gall bladder problems) and there was a lot going on in general. Our last meeting (in May) was a huge success. We learned how to make double pocket cards and played a lot games. We also made two adorable progressive cards. A huge thank you to Shannon and Bethany for contributing to the May Goodie Bags. Carolyn was the winner of the HappyScrapper Champion Cup. Congratulations!

However, we will be meeting in September. Waaa hhoooooo!!! Here are the details. Please read to the end.

Meeting Date: September 13th, 10:00 a.m. ~ ???
Theme: Pajama Party ~ Feel free to wear your jammies and slippers
Main Dish: Pizza
What to Expect: Games, Goodie Bags, the Passing of the Happy Scrapper Champion Cup, and learning at least one new project.
What to Bring: Small door prize, something to share for lunch, supplies, and a smile.

If you would like to run a game, contribute to the Goodie Bags, or demo a technique or project, please let me know.
A huge thank you to Shannon, who has already contributed to the September bags. Yay!
****** NEW POLICY ******* PLEASE READ *****
Although our policy of "Invitation Only" still rings true, starting with the September meeting, our group members will be divided into two lists ~ A "seated member" list and a "standby member" list. Each month, I will send an invitation to everyone on the "seated member" list. If seated members are unable to attend or don't RSVP by the specified RSVP date, then someone on the "standby" list will be invited in their place.

In doing so, I can extend an invitation to some very wonderful ladies, some of whom have been on a wait list for more than a year. Also, by doing the invites this way, I can still keep the meeting number to ten or fewer. If we have more than ten scrappers, things get too crazy!! ;)

Seated Members (Guaranteed an invitation each month, Please see RSVP date):
Carolyn Catlett
Becky Harrison
Joyce Gross
Veronica Zalis
Becky Catlett
Bethany Miller
Shannon Stephens
Jessica Miller
Courtney Stephens
Carrie Ross
Kristi Palmer
Dawn Weber
Michele Micheal

THE RSVP DATE FOR OUR SEPTEMBER MEETING IS SEPTEMBER 5th. You can reply to this email or give me a call .
Thank you, everyone, for helping make HappyScrappers what it is.
When we started, I never imagined it would keep going this long.
Love and a Hug!


Rebecha said...


YES: OtherBecky, myself

NO: Kristi, Dawn

Rebecha said...


YES: OtherBecky, myself, Joyce, Shannon

NO: Kristi, Dawn

Rebecha said...


YES: OtherBecky, myself, Joyce, Shannon, Jessica

NO: Kristi, Dawn

Rebecha said...


YES: OtherBecky, myself, Joyce, Shannon, Jessica

NO: Kristi, Dawn

Rebecha said...


YES: OtherBecky, myself, Joyce, Shannon, Jessica, Bethany, Carolyn

NO: Kristi, Dawn

Rebecha said...


YES: OtherBecky, myself, Joyce, Shannon, Jessica, Bethany, Carolyn, Michelle

NO: Kristi, Dawn